Results for 'Danilo Borges Medeiros'

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  1.  3
    A Concepção de Estado de Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.Danilo Borges Medeiros & Wagner Lafaiete de Oliveira Júnior - 2020 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 12 (33):17-35.
    O presente artigo investigará a concepção de Estado do filósofo alemão Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Stuttgart, 27 de agosto de 1770 – Berlim, 14 de novembro de 1831) a partir da obra “Filosofia do Direito” (1821), em especial, a sua terceira seção, que será a base para a análise da temática, por ser nela que Hegel discute, a miúde, os elementos constitutivos do Estado. A análise feita a partir desta discussão definirá a ideia de Estado hegeliano respeitando três estruturas básicas (...)
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    Experiências de escuta do mal-estar e do sofrimento docente frente à racionalidade neoliberal: construindo políticas de cuidado e de resistência.Danilo Peres Bemgochea Junior, Gabriela Oliveira Guerra, Samara Silva dos Santos, Silvana Maia Borges & Tais Fim Alberti - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 31.
    Este artigo contempla reflexões sobre o mal-estar e o sofrimento docente na contemporaneidade, a partir de experiências de escuta no âmbito da pesquisa e extensão universitárias. Apresentamos duas pesquisas, onde propusemos espaços de escuta por meio de entrevistas e escritas da experiência, ambas com docentes de instituições educacionais públicas. O método que embasa o texto é a pesquisa-intervenção de orientação clínica e a discussão pauta-se na análise clínica do discurso, que possibilitou recolher das pesquisas significantes que se entrelaçam, dando nomes (...)
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    Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation: Insights from Neurobiological, Psychological, and Clinical Studies.Simón Guendelman, Sebastián Medeiros & Hagen Rampes - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    When Corporations Cause Harm: A Critical View of Corporate Social Irresponsibility and Corporate Crimes.Rafael Alcadipani & Cíntia Rodrigues de Oliveira Medeiros - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (2):285-297.
    Corporations perform actions that can inflict harm with different levels of intensity, from death to material loss, to both companies’ internal and external stakeholders. Research has analysed corporate harm using the notions of corporate social irresponsibility and corporate crime. Critical management studies have been subjecting management and organizational practices and knowledge to critical analysis, and corporate harm has been one of the main concerns of CMS. However, CMS has rarely been deployed to analyse CSIR and corporate crime. Thus, the aim (...)
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    Passions and evil in Kant's philosophy.Maria Borges - 2014 - Manuscrito 37 (2):333-355.
    In this paper, I aim at relating passions to evil in Kant's philosophy. I begin by explaining the difference between affects and passions in the text Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View. Kant claims that both affects and passions are illnesses of the mind, because both affect and passion hinder the sovereignty of reason. I show that passions are worse than affects for the purpose of pure reason. Second, I relate affects and passions to the degrees of the propensity (...)
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  6. Os sentidos da Eleuthería na República de Platão.Anastácio Borges de Araújo Júnior - forthcoming - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental.
    O sentido do termo eleuthería, similarmente a muitos outros conceitos na obra de Platão, não é unívoco. Mesmo se nos restringirmos ao diálogo República, encontraremos nele uma ampla gama de concepções que vão desde a acepção popular de ‘dizer e fazer o que se quer’, até a significação, mais propriamente filosófica do termo; vale dizer também daquela que envolve uma dimensão psicológica e moral, na qual o homem deve buscar agir de acordo consigo mesmo. Esta atividade ética, que Platão (2006) (...)
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    The notion of Befindlichkeit in Heidegger's phenomenological way.Irene Borges-Duarte - 2012 - Phainomenon 24 (1):43-62.
    The notion of Befindlichkeit in Heidegger’s phenomenological way. Heidegger’s phenomenology of Befindlichkeit and the different kinds of affection was initiated still before Being and Time, and developed in its essential features till the end of the 1930’s. The current paper argues that, since its very origins in a philosophical framework, back to the translation of the affectiones in Augustine, the notion of Befindlichkeit sets the beginning of a structural understanding of existence - displayed both at the ontological levei of Grundstimmungen (...)
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  8. Unreasonable Selflessness.Rodrigo Borges - 2016 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 61 (3):492-502.
    According to Jennifer Lackey, one should assert that p only if it is reasonable for one to believe that p and if one asserted that p, one would assert that p at least in part because it is reasonable for one to believe that p. As data for this norm of assertion Lackey appeals to the intuition that in cases of ‘selfless assertion’ agents assert with epistemic propriety something they don’t believe. If that norm of assertion was true, then it (...)
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    The Influence of Compensatory Strategies on Ethical Decision Making.Jensen T. Mecca, Kelsey E. Medeiros, Vincent Giorgini, Carter Gibson, Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly & Lynn D. Devenport - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (1):73-89.
    Ethical decision making is of concern to researchers across all fields. However, researchers typically focus on the biases that may act to undermine ethical decision making. Taking a new approach, this study focused on identifying the most common compensatory strategies that counteract those biases. These strategies were identified using a series of interviews with university researchers in a variety of areas, including biological, physical, social, and health as well as scholarship and the performing arts. Interview transcripts were assessed with two (...)
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    Praecepta, decreta and happiness in Schopenhauer and Seneca: a short comparative study.George Felipe Bernardes Barbosa Borges - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 33:03328-03328.
    There is an important part in Schopenhauer's bibliography dedicated to reflections on a good life. Between 1826 and 1829, the German philosopher started to think about a eudemonology, an unfinished project, which relied on the rescue of the thought of ancient philosophers. In his discussions there is a great appreciation for Stoic thinking in order to produce a life as little unhappy as possible. Therefore, it seems relevant to revisit Schopenhauer's ideas and compare them with Seneca, who focused on the (...)
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  11. Reflexos da automação na consciência operária.Altamiro Borges - forthcoming - Princípios.
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    Representations of health and work from the perspective of the administrative staff of a city hall of Minas Gerais.Andréa Gonçalves Borges & Ailton de Souza Aragão - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):157-180.
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    Representações de saúde e trabalho na perspectiva de servidores administrativos de uma prefeitura mineira.Andréa Gonçalves Borges & Ailton de Souza Aragão - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):162-185.
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    Many Shades of Love in Kant.Maria Borges - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 18 (47):219-232.
    Kant is usually considered a cold moralist who does not give any importance to feeling and emotions. In this paper I show that Kant has a place for love although he uses this word in different meanings through his work. I will analyze the use and meaning of five different uses of the term love: self-love, practical love, love as affect, love as passion, and sexual love. I show that Kant has a place for love in his theory, in a (...)
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    The path and the Conversation. Self-interpreting Heidegger.Irene Borges-Duarte - 2021 - Phainomenon 31 (1):17-40.
    In his quest to let language speak, Heidegger explored thoroughly the possibilities of meaning of factical language, in its phenomenological and poietic dimensions. He thereby came to characterize Being and Time as a way, a path which must be followed until it ends. He later understood it as a wandering and, finally, as a dead end (Holzweg). The idea of the walker, in conversation with himself, accompanies this entire journey. The present essay seeks to uncover the main moments of Heidegger’s (...)
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    Mind, beliefs and internet social media: a Peircean perspective.Priscila Monteiro Borges & Tarcísio de Sá Cardoso - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (2):e02400134.
    Resumo: Mente é, para Peirce, um sistema de crenças que age para alcançar um determinado propósito. Não apenas Peirce atribui mente a instituições e grupos sociais, mas o desenvolvimento da mente depende da extensão dela além das mentes humanas individuais. Portanto, comunidades ou instituições sociais incorporam hábitos sociais e agem como mentes, com propósitos próprios, fixando crenças de dois tipos: crenças de importância vital e crenças teóricas, que têm relação com o conhecimento e a verdade. Redes sociais, na internet, podem (...)
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    Moacir Bortolozo.Bento Itamar Borges & Humberto Aparecido de Oliveira Guido - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 17 (34):299-303.
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    Memória, catástrofe e narrativas da dor: Primo Levi, Riobaldo e os fantasmas na experiência do trauma.Rogério Borges & Gustavo Castro - 2019 - Bakhtiniana 14 (1):106-124.
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    Modernização, democracia e caráter nacional da educação em Minas Gerais, pela análise da Revista do Ensino. 1925 a 1929.Vera Lúcia Abrão Borges - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 16 (31):111-134.
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    Mandag, 22. juni 1985.Jorge Luis Borges - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (4):186-187.
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    O Cogito Sob Duas Perspectivas: Uma Análise Sobre a Interpretação Representativa Do Ponto de Partida Do Pensamento Cartesiano.Marcos Alexandre Borges - 2011 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 3 (6):184-199.
    Descartes é reconhecido como o fundador da filosofia do sujeito e das representações. É através do cogito que o sujeito expressa a constatação de sua existência, e é através das representações que as outras coisas são pensadas por este sujeito. Este artigo pretende desenvolver uma análise sobre a constituição do cogito, com a finalidade de refletir se o cogito pode ser pensado como representação. Para tanto, abordaremos duas linhas interpretativas: uma tendo em Heidegger seu expoente e a outra em Ferdinand (...)
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  22. Objections to the “global harm principle” with regard to migration policy.David Gonçalves Borges - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (3):52-69.
    This work points out problems that would arise from applying the “Global Harm Principle” (GHP), a non-ideal theory regarding global migrations. The Global Harm Principle derives from the “Harm Principle”, articulated by John Stuart Mill during the 19th century, expanded to include geopolitical relations and migratory flows. The article aims to refute GHP. Several objections are listed to demonstrate the unfeasibility of its implementation, through historical and socio-political reasoning, as well as thought experiments. We conclude by speculating that the deficiencies (...)
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    Platão.Anderson De Paula Borges - 2010 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 15 (1):197-202.
    Review of the book "Platão", que é uma tradução feita a partir do original: “A Companion do Plato”, publicado pela Blackwell e organizado Hugh H. Benson.
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    Person and values for solidarity: axiological meanings. [Portuguese].Ramiro Délio Borges de Meneses & Maria Clara Simões - 2009 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 11:36-80.
    Normal 0 21 false false false ES-CO X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} This paper focuses on Max Scheler`s idea of person and its meaning in terms of values organized according categories. The work of Scheler on ethics expands the solidarity of the person as cordis ordo by the construction (...)
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    Personlighetens bagatellmessighet.Jorge Luis Borges - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (4):142-148.
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    Post-Lecture Discussion of His Own Writing.Jorge Luis Borges - 1975 - Critical Inquiry 1 (4):719-721.
    You see, I'm not really a thinker. I am a literary man and I have done my best to use the literary possibilities of philosophy, although I'm not a philosopher myself, except in the sense of being very puzzled with the world and with my own life. But when people ask me, for example, if I really believe that the cosmic process will go on and will repeat itself, I say I have nothing at all to do with that. I (...)
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    Parresía e Estado Democrático: Uma Leitura de Orestes, de Eurípedes.Carla Luzia Carneiro Borges - 2023 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 41.
    Considero, para entender a parresía de Orestes, a noção de leitura diagnóstica, numa perspectiva foucaultiana do discurso, neste caso, uma leitura da política no presente. Então, toda vez que se lê, se está de certa forma também pensando no presente e estabelecendo relações com esse tempo atual, acerca de várias questões que afetam a nossa constituição, enquanto sujeitos no mundo. As perguntas feitas acerca de que parresía fala Foucault, pressupõem que há outras possiblidades de pensá-la, para mostrar como essa parresía (...)
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    Parabel om Cervantes og Don Quijote.Jorge Luis Borges - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (4):179-179.
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    Poem. Sherlock Holmes.Jorge Luis Borges - 1990 - Semiotica 79 (3-4):213-216.
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    Para todo mal, a cura.Maria Borges - 2014 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1:10-22.
    Nesse artigo, eu apresento a teoria kantiana do mal. Mostrarei que Kant divide o mal em três níveis: fraqueza, impureza e perversidade, relacionando-os com afetos e paixões. Eu defendo que Kant apresenta várias formas de curar o mal nos diversos textos, tais como Doutrina da Virtude, Antropologia, Ideia para uma história universal do ponto de vista cosmopolita e Religião nos limites da simples razão. Eu tentarei mostrar que a virtude é impotente para curar o mal e que Kant apresenta uma (...)
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    Positivismo y hermenéutica en la teoría de Davidson.María Del Rosario Hernández Borges - 2000 - Manuscrito 23 (1):121-146.
    Donald Davidson intenta reconciliar dos posiciones tradicionalmente opuestas: la positivista, naturalista, y la hermenéutica. Sin embargo, aunque sostiene la identidad mente-cerebro y la explicación causal de la acción, en su teoría tienen más relevancia la autonomía e irreductibilidad de lo mental así como la relación de justificación que existe entre razones y causas y que fundamenta las explicaciones de sentido común. Argumentaré que su intento conciliador no ha tenido éxito ya que opta claramente por el proyecto interpretativo frente al explicativo. (...)
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    Quiet and Disquiet: The Paradox of Lived Time.Irene Borges-Duarte - 2018 - Phainomenon 28 (1):29-48.
    ‘Quiet’ and ‘Disquiet’ are terms which express ways of accounting for time-experience, besides being equally open for a rendering as emotional states. Starting from three existential moods – stress, boredom, and the joy of the present moment – this inquiry aims to put into evidence the structuring features of our existential experience of time itself, both in the daily exercise of our being-in-the-world, and at the level of our being or not being in possession of oneself in such exercise and (...)
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    Quem é o meu próximo? Senciência, empatia e ilimitaçao.Paulo Borges - 2012 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 40 (40):25-40.
    This paper aims to rethink the traditional understanding of the two commandments formulated by Christ - to love God and our neighbour as ourselves -, by rethinking the category of neighbour, not just as those who belongs to the human species, but as all those to whom we can feel close, depending on the degree of empathy conceming not just sentient beings, but even all forms of life and existence. Rethinking also God not as the supreme being, but as the (...)
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    Recall and recognition of words and pictures by adults and children.Marilyn A. Borges, Mary Ann Stepnowsky & Leland H. Holt - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (2):113-114.
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    Razão E sensação em teeteto 201 D -202 C.Anderson De Paula Borges - 2010 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 15 (1):13-47.
    The aim of this paper is to make a brief discussion about three aspects that characterize the Socrates's Dream in the Theaetetus . First, I comment the function of the Dream in the context of the third definition of knowledge. Them I move on the text and examine some questions concerning the notion of logos in 201 d -202 c . In the last section I discuss the problem of perception of the stoicheia . At this point I refuse the (...)
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    Rousseau integral, em duas versões.Ciro Lourenço Borges Júnior & Thiago Vargas - 2017 - Discurso 47 (2):183-190.
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    Será o Hegelianismo uma Forma de Espinosismo?Maria de Lourdes Borges - 1999 - Discurso 30:63-86.
    Nosso propósito aqui não é traçar um quadro comparativo exaustivo entre a filosofia hegeliana e a filosofia de Espinosa (1). Pretendemos apenas esclarecer, pela indagação sobre uma possível matriz panteísta do pensamento de Hegel, a compreensão hegeliana sobre a relação entre Absoluto e mundo finito. Mostraremos que Espinosa influencia Hegel desde os tempos de Tübingen e que o hegelianismo passará sucessivamente por três fases distintas: uma primeira fase de entusiasmo peIo panteísmo, entusiasmo esse partilhado com Schelling; uma segunda fase de (...)
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    Skandinavisk skjebne.Jorge Luis Borges - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (4):174-178.
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    The Classes of Signs as a Tool for Semiotic Inquiry.Priscila Borges - 2013 - Semiotics:281-291.
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    To filmanmeldelser.Jorge Luis Borges - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (4):153-155.
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    To gatehjørne.Jorge Luis Borges - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (4):149-152.
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    The Genres of G. K. Chesterton.Jorge Luis Borges & Daniel Vergara - 2004 - The Chesterton Review 30 (1/2):153-158.
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    Tre imaginære vesener.Jorge Luis Borges - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (4):182-183.
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    The Metaphysics of Morals: between the a priori and a practical anthropology.Maria Borges - 2017 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 16 (3):423-436.
    In this paper, I analyze the place of the Metaphysics of morals in the Kantian system. I claim that this work is the passage between a pure part of ethics and a practical anthropology. Although this book was first conceived to be a pure moral theory - moralia pura-, it ended up dealing with principle of applications of the moral law to sensible moral beings- philosophia moralis applicata. I also hold that the Doctrine of Virtue presents some sensible elements that (...)
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    To sonetter.Jorge Luis Borges - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (4):180-181.
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    To tidlige kortprosatekster.Jorge Luis Borges - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (4):159-160.
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    Universal first-order logic is superfluous in the second level of the polynomial-time hierarchy.Nerio Borges & Edwin Pin - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (6):895-909.
    In this paper we prove that $\forall \textrm{FO}$, the universal fragment of first-order logic, is superfluous in $\varSigma _2^p$ and $\varPi _2^p$. As an example, we show that this yields a syntactic proof of the $\varSigma _2^p$-completeness of value-cost satisfiability. The superfluity method is interesting since it gives a way to prove completeness of problems involving numerical data such as lengths, weights and costs and it also adds to the programme started by Immerman and Medina about the syntactic approach in (...)
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    Using Slow-Paced Breathing to Foster Endurance, Well-Being, and Sleep Quality in Athletes During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Uirassu Borges, Babett Lobinger, Florian Javelle, Matthew Watson, Emma Mosley & Sylvain Laborde - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The coronavirus disease 2019 has been causing major disruptions in the sporting world. Negative physiological and psychological effects on athletes have been reported, such as respiratory issues and increased stress. Therefore, it is timely to support this population by presenting cost-effective and accessible intervention techniques to reduce this impact. Slow-paced breathing has the potential to counteract many of the detrimental effects of COVID-19 that can directly affect sports performance. In this article, we present and justify the use of SPB in (...)
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    Verdade E ficção em textos utópicos.Bento Itamar Borges - 2002 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 7 (1).
    Considerados do ponto de vista da teoria literária, os textos filosóficos que tratam explicitamente da política caem sobretudo sob os gêneros do tratado e do ensaio, mas, indiretamente, a teoria política sofre a influência das utopias, literárias ou experimentadas de fato. A validade de um tratado – e certamente também da enviesada crítica da economia política – depende do método que o sustenta, ao passo que no ensaio pesam as credenciais daquele que emite uma opinião. Por fim, cabe questionar o (...)
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    Biases and Compensatory Strategies: The Efficacy of a Training Intervention.Jensen T. Mecca, Kelsey E. Medeiros, Vincent Giorgini, Carter Gibson, Michael D. Mumford & Shane Connelly - 2016 - Ethics and Behavior 26 (2):128-143.
    Research misconduct is of growing concern within the scientific community. As a result, organizations must identify effective approaches to training for ethics in research. Previous research has suggested that biases and compensatory strategies may represent important influences on the ethical decision-making process. The present effort investigated a training intervention targeting these variables. The results of the intervention are presented, as well as a description of accompanying exercises tapping self-reflection, sensemaking, and forecasting and their differential effectiveness on transfer to an ethical (...)
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